Join us for an informative and engaging webinar as we bring together three sustainability experts.
Rhiannon Hampson, USDA Rural Development Maine State Director, will shed light on the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grant initiative. The REAP grant program plays a pivotal role in supporting renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in rural areas, fostering sustainable development and economic growth.
Peter Cooke, co-founder of the Ratio Institute, will speak to their bench-marking process and provide insights into existing best sustainability workplace practices and potential practices to employ. Those interested in, and eligible for USDA REAP (Rural Energy for America Program) grants, will learn how to use Ratio Institute's bench-marking report to develop profit enhancing projects and apply for funding.
Malcolm Smith, co-founder and CEO of Sustaine Inc., will advise businesses on how to improve energy efficiency and implement projects in a variety of energy solutions like solar photovoltaics and solar thermal systems, lighting efficiency, HVAC controls, combined heat and power, etc. With its REAP TAG (Technical Assistance Grant) funding, Sustaine Inc. will help Maine small businesses and agricultural producers assess their energy needs, design suitable improvements, and prepare and submit their REAP grants.